5 years olds - 6 year olds
The foundation has been laid as your Kindergartener begins to make their way in the world.
Navigating big feelings, new responsibilities and trying to make sense of the absurd English language can be physically and mentally exhausting for a 5-6 year old.
Help your child build confidence and the skills they need by providing meaningful play experiences, that build confidence and teach the skills they'll use for the rest of their life.
Flannel Boards
Studies show that the use of
sensory toys & manipulatives like felt letters can help children form a deeper connection to what they are learning. Making felt letters particularly helpful for kids that just aren't "getting it".
Flannel Boards are a playful, low-pressure way to nurture literacy and fine motor skills while encouraging creativity and collaboration opportunities for kids
5 - 6 years old.
And best of all, you don't have to give kids messy markers, paint or chalk, felt pieces stick to the Flannel canvas like magic, creating a sensory rich, mess-free,
play-to-learn experience for your child.
Easels are a great tool to help kids build core strength and motor skills. Vertical play like this can help develop the muscles in the wrist that kids will need when learning to write.
← Swipe to discover more flannel board accessories →

Small World Play
One of the biggest challenges most kindergarteners face is learning to navigate social situations on their own.
Pretend play allows children the space to explore their feelings and practice social interactions in a low stress environment.
Its a critical first step for developing self-regulation of feelings and managing outbursts.
Felt toys are ideal for 5-6 year olds because they are virtually indestructible, tantrum proof, and fueled by imagination, not batteries.

Toys that bombard children
with lights and sounds at a rapid pace can cause
heightened anxiety and emotional outbursts in children.
Prevent overstimulation
by providing children with quiet toys that they are
free to touch, feel and move at will.

Educational Toys
Capitalize on a Kindergarteners natural curiosity by continually feeding them new things to explore and learn beyond what is provided in a school curriculum.
To see where your childs strengths and passions lie give them open-ended toys, and watch how they use their imaginations to make it come to life.
What they discover now, could ignite a passion or reveal a hidden genius.
TIP: Keep a collection of affordable educational toys on on offer, but rotate them out occasionally. After a break, children will often return to a familiar activity and approach it from a different angle, deepening the learning experience and maximizing the educational value of the toy.
← Swipe to discover more educational toys & unique gifts for kids →

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Felt Board
My daughter hated going to school, so her kindergarten teacher suggested that we start "playing school" at home.
Now we play school at home, she loves pretending to be the teacher and showing me how to spell words on her flannel board. It has made a big difference to her confidence level and willingness to go to school.

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Quiet Book
I got this book to entertain my son during an 11 hour plane ride because I didnt want him on a screen the entire time. It was great because there were so many activities for him to do, and it didnt take up much space in our carry on luggage.
We even ended up loaning it to another kid that was having a meltdown and it totally changed his mood. I highly recommend these books for anyone travelling with kids.

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Dino world Play Set
"This Dinosaur Small World Play Set was given as a gift for a 5 year-old boy, and it was a HUGE hit with the whole family, including his older sister. Kids are inundated with video games, movies, cartoons, and other such sources of entertainment these days (cue grandma soapbox...!) that place a child in the role of 'consumer,' so I love giving a gift that encourages a child to be the creator and generator of action, story lines, etc., by providing an evocative framework within which the child's imagination can run wild. Thank you so much TinyFeat!
All orders are taken to the post office in 1-3 days and usually arrive in about a week to most US and Canadian Locations. International shipments available by request, request an international shipment here.
YES! Most of the felt we use is made from recycled bottles making our toys the preferred choice for eco-conscious parents and teachers who care about the state of the world we are passing down to our children.
YES, we ship gifts to kids all the time! You can even add gift wrap to your order and a handwritten note with your personal message.
You can return any unopened packages within 14 days for a full refund, and if there is ever a question or concern about your purchase just reach out to us and we can work together to find a solution, we're not happy till you are!

I'll be honest,
I had no clue what I was doing when my daughter was born... and I was overwhelemed with all the things I had to figure out as a new mom from diapers, feeding, and why the heck she wouldn't sleep without me by her side.
I had no time to learn how to be her teacher.
I barely had time to feed myself, let alone learn a new skill!
So I did what I do best, create.
Getting my hands dirty is my way of working through a problem. Thats when I discovered Quiet Books, and I knew I had to make one for my baby girl.
Then, it snowballed..
I started selling at craft markets, and making more toys, then discovered I couldn't keep up with demand. So I reached out for help and discovered that I wasn't the only mom who wanted to be home with her kids and work too.
Thats when I started hiring moms,
to help with everything from sewing to social media management and I discovered that I could make a difference not only in the lives of other moms, but their families benefited too.
So together we've created this amazing local company, enriched the lives of many children, and we get to make these really great toys that I am so very proud to share with you. ❤️